Na era do Covid-19, o governo do Brasil propunha usar a cobertura da pandemia para relaxar regulamentos de controle do agronegócio

“Enquanto estamos neste momento de tranquilidade no aspecto de cobertura da imprensa, porque só fala de Covid, é ir passando a boiada e mudando todo o regramento e simplificando normas. De Iphan, de Ministério da Agricultura, de Ministério de Meio-Ambiente,” diz o Ricardo Salles, ministro do Meio-Ambiente em uma gravação da reunião ministerial do dia 22 de abril, 2020, revelada em 22 de maio.

No seguinte artigo, a antropóloga Dibe Ayoub e mais três colegas examinaram o perigo não só de destruição ambiental, mas também de fome em massa provocada pelas ações perversas do governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro.

Bolsonaro, Covid-19 and the specter of hunger in Brazil

Posto por Dibe Ayoub, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 30 de abril, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic arrives in Brazil at a time of political and economic crisis, deepened by the fact that the far-right president Jair Bolsonaro is one of the few remaining world negationist leaders – frequently minimizing the gravity of the pandemic and urging for the end of social isolation measures so that economic activity may resume to “normality”. As of April 19th, the National Executive Branch had not yet released any money to guarantee food security and income transfer, despite the fact that:

1) more than two weeks ago, the National Congress authorized the payment of an emergency basic income for families in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability;

2) many federal states have been in social isolation for over a month; 

3) 40.7% of working population in Brazil is in the informal sector.

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Pandemics and the specter of hunger in Brazil: a multidimensional crisis and a negationist president

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